2010年11月30日 星期二


7.SELECTION CRITERIA: All randomised or quasi-randomised clinical trials (including any relevant phase 1, 2 or 3 trials) of gene therapy for all individuals with sickle cell disease, regardless of age or setting.
DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: No trials of gene therapy for sickle cell disease were found.
MAIN RESULTS: No trials of gene therapy for sickle cell disease were reported.
AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: No randomised or quasi-randomised clinical trials of gene therapy for sickle cell disease were reported. Thus, no objective conclusions or recommendations in practice can be made on gene therapy for sickle cell disease. This systematic review has identified the need for well-designed, randomised controlled trials to assess the benefits and risks of gene therapy for sickle cell disease.

1 則留言:

  1. 選擇標準:所有隨機或半隨機臨床試驗(包括任何有關1,2或3試驗)基因療法所有個人鎌狀細胞疾病,不論年齡或設定。
