2010年11月30日 星期二


3.SELECTION CRITERIA: We included all randomized controlled trials that compared osmotic, mechanical, antiprogesterone, prostaglandin, or other medical agents of cervical preparation for second-trimester surgical abortion from 14-24 weeks of gestation.
DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Data were abstracted by two authors and data entry was verified by a third author. Mean difference and Peto Odds Ratio were calculated.
MAIN RESULTS: Osmotic dilators were found to be superior to prostaglandins with respect to cervical dilation throughout the second trimester and with respect to procedure time within the early second trimester. Addition of prostaglandins to osmotic dilators was not found to increase cervical dilation, except after 19 weeks gestation, however, no impact was seen on procedure time. Addition of Mifepristone to misoprostol was found to improve cervical dilation, yet increase procedure time and frequency of pre-procedural expulsions.

1 則留言:

  1. 標準選擇:
    我們包括了較滲透性所有被隨機化的受控制試驗,機械, antiprogesterone, 前列腺素,或其他醫療的代理人在孕中期時於子宮頸準備流產手術,在其第14~24週妊娠時.
