2010年11月30日 星期二


5.Same-day procedures appear to be a safe and reasonable option in the early second trimester, however, more research is needed to assess the effectiveness and safety of same-day procedures in the later second trimester.
PMID: 20687085 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Gene therapy for sickle cell disease.
Lagos University Teaching Hospital, P.O.Box 8893 Marina, Lagos, Nigeria.
BACKGROUND: Sickle cell disease encompasses a group of genetic disorders characterized by the presence of at least one hemoglobin S (Hb S) allele, and a second abnormal allele that could allow abnormal hemoglobin polymerisation leading to a symptomatic disorder.Autosomal recessive disorders (such as sickle cell disease) are good candidates for gene therapy because a normal phenotype can be restored in diseased cells with only a single normal copy of the mutant gene.

2 則留言:

  1. 5.Same-day procedures appear to be a safe and reasonable option in the early second trimester, however, more research is needed to assess the effectiveness and safety of same-day procedures in the later second trimester.
    PMID: 20687085 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

    Gene therapy for sickle cell disease.
    Olowoyeye A, Okwundu CI.
    歐羅萵A, 歐可文杜 CI
    Lagos University Teaching Hospital, P.O.Box 8893 Marina, Lagos, Nigeria.
    拉哥斯(奈及利亞的首都)大學教學醫院, 奈及利亞拉哥斯的小艇碼頭郵局信箱8893號
    BACKGROUND: Sickle cell disease encompasses a group of genetic disorders characterized by the presence of at least one hemoglobin S (Hb S) allele, and a second abnormal allele that could allow abnormal hemoglobin polymerisation leading to a symptomatic disorder.Autosomal recessive disorders (such as sickle cell disease) are good candidates for gene therapy because a normal phenotype can be restored in diseased cells with only a single normal copy of the mutant gene.


  2. 5.在第二期的剛開始,同一天的程序似乎是一個較安全、合理的選擇,然而,在第二期的結尾,需要做更多研究評估同一天程序的效果和安全。
    Lagos University Teaching Hospital, P.O.Box 8893 Marina, Lagos, Nigeria.
    拉哥斯(奈及利亞的首都)大學教學醫院, 奈及利亞拉哥斯的小艇碼頭郵局信箱8893號
